4 Tips for Growing Plants in Patio Planters

Posted on: 10/05/2017

A well laid patio is a thing of beauty. A functional space where you can relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of your garden. The reflected warmth from the slabs of your patio make it a great place to grow plants in planters. Here are our top four tips for planter success.   

Plant pots arranged on a gravel garden

Adequate Drainage

Make sure that any large pots or planters that you buy or build for growing patio plants have adequate drainage. If there are no holes in the bottom of your planter then, when it rains heavily, the soil will become water-logged. This can lead to your plants drowning as the roots of most plants can’t cope with that much water. A few holes in the base of your planter will allow water to drain away safely.

The Right Soil Mix

Putting soil into a plant pot

Research what kind of soil the plants that you will be growing prefer. Some plants grow better in soils that are slightly acidic or slightly alkaline. Put a layer of rocks or shingle in the base of your planter and then fill it with a suitable compost. Give newly installed plants a long water to help them establish themselves in their new home.  

Sunlight and Shade

Depending on where you situate your planter you might get different amounts of sunlight and shade. Different plants respond differently to exposure to direct sunlight – some love it but for others it is too much. A little research before deciding where to place your planter could be the difference between plants that thrive and plants that wither.

Free Water

A water butt

You might want to consider diverting some of the water that runs down your drainpipe from the guttering into a water butt. Rainwater is completely free and you can use it to water your plants instead of running a hosepipe from your mains supply.

If you would like a structure that is more permanent than a planter, then talk to Knights Paving and Landscaping about including raised beds when we build your patio. Call our office on 01603 360548 or email enquiries@knightslandscaping.co.uk.

Share your tips for planter and pot success with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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